This is useful program to share internet using hotspot. Generally laptops having wifi can not use hotspot. There is ad-hoc utility but it is useful for windows to windows not for android phones or linux. So with this program users can share internet to other devices easily.
- /* This Program set, start and stop hotspot in windows 7.*/
- #include
- #include
- #include
- int t=0;
- void frame(void);
- void main()
- {
- start0:
- clrscr();
- int c;
- textcolor(5+t);
- gotoxy(40,8);
- cprintf("Please Run this program as");
- gotoxy(40,9);
- cprintf("Administrator.");
- gotoxy(40,13);
- cprintf("Right Click on Program-> ");
- gotoxy(40,14);
- cprintf("Run as Administrator.");
- start:
- frame();
- cprintf("Enter choice : ");
- gotoxy(27,23);
- scanf("%d",&c);
- textcolor(5+t);
- switch(c)
- {
- case 1: //set hotspot
- system("netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=Hotspot key=vgecvgec keyusage=persistent");
- clrscr();
- gotoxy(40,8);
- cprintf("Done !!! Hotspot Set !!!");
- gotoxy(40,9);
- cprintf("Now you can start Hotspot");
- gotoxy(40,11);
- cprintf("Name : Hotspot");
- gotoxy(40,12);
- cprintf("Password : vgecvgec");
- gotoxy(40,14);
- cprintf("To start Hotspot Use option 2");
- goto start;
- case 2: //start hotspot
- system("netsh wlan start hostednetwork");
- clrscr();
- gotoxy(40,8);
- cprintf("Started Successfully.");
- gotoxy(40,11);
- cprintf("Name : Hotspot");
- gotoxy(40,12);
- cprintf("Password : vgecvgec");
- gotoxy(40,20);
- cprintf("Not Started ?");
- gotoxy(40,22);
- cprintf("Please See Help.");
- goto start;
- case 3: //stop hotspot
- system("netsh wlan stop hostednetwork");
- clrscr();
- gotoxy(40,8);
- cprintf("Stopped Successfully.");
- goto start;
- case 4:
- t++;
- if(t>=4){t=0;}
- goto start0;
- case 5:
- clrscr();
- gotoxy(39,8);
- cprintf("Follow Steps to use Hotspot :");
- gotoxy(39,10);
- cprintf("1. Run Program as Administrator.");
- gotoxy(39,11);
- cprintf("2. Set up Hotspot If using");
- gotoxy(39,12);
- cprintf(" first time");
- gotoxy(39,13);
- cprintf("3. Start Hotspot and Use.");
- gotoxy(39,14);
- cprintf("4. stop Hotspot");
- gotoxy(40,17);
- cprintf("Name : Hotspot");
- gotoxy(40,18);
- cprintf("Password : vgecvgec");
- gotoxy(39,21);
- cprintf("For more enter 51.");
- goto start;
- case 51:
- clrscr();
- gotoxy(39,8);
- cprintf("How to connect Another Net");
- gotoxy(39,9);
- cprintf("Connection with Hotspot.");
- gotoxy(39,11);
- cprintf("1. Open Network and sharing");
- gotoxy(39,12);
- cprintf(" centre->Change Adpter");
- gotoxy(39,13);
- cprintf(" Settings->");
- gotoxy(39,14);
- cprintf("2. Now Right Click on Adpter");
- gotoxy(39,15);
- cprintf(" which has internet.");
- gotoxy(39,16);
- cprintf("3. In sharing tab, check both");
- gotoxy(39,17);
- cprintf(" box. Now Open settings and");
- gotoxy(39,18);
- cprintf(" check all boxes.");
- gotoxy(39,21);
- cprintf("For more queries Contact Me.");
- gotoxy(39,22);
- cprintf("See About.");
- goto start;
- case 6:
- clrscr();
- gotoxy(40,7);
- cprintf("=============================");
- gotoxy(40,8);
- cprintf(" Bhargav K Patel ");
- gotoxy(40,9);
- cprintf("=============================");
- gotoxy(40,13);
- cprintf("Email : ");
- gotoxy(40,15);
- cprintf("");
- gotoxy(40,18);
- cprintf("Facebok : ");
- gotoxy(40,20);
- cprintf("");
- goto start;
- case 7:
- exit (0);
- default:
- clrscr();
- gotoxy(40,8);
- cprintf("Invalid Choice.");
- goto start;
- }
- }
- void frame(void)
- {
- textcolor(2+t);
- for(int i=5;i<=70;i++)
- {
- gotoxy(i,1);
- cprintf("%c",220);
- }
- for(i=5;i<=70;i++)
- {
- gotoxy(i,24);
- cprintf("%c",220);
- }
- for(i=2;i<=24;i++)
- {
- gotoxy(5,i);
- cprintf("%c",219);
- }
- for(i=2;i<=24;i++)
- {
- gotoxy(70,i);
- cprintf("%c",219);
- }
- textcolor(1+t);
- for(i=6;i<=69;i++)
- {
- gotoxy(i,5);
- cprintf("%c",254);
- }
- for(i=6;i<=34;i++)
- {
- gotoxy(i,21);
- cprintf("%c",22);
- }
- textcolor(9+t);
- for(i=6;i<=23;i++)
- {
- gotoxy(35,i);
- cprintf("%c%c",204,185);
- }
- textcolor(12-t);
- gotoxy(25,3);
- cprintf("Hotspot for Windows 7");
- textcolor(14-t);
- gotoxy(8,7);
- cprintf("1. Set for first use");
- gotoxy(8,9);
- cprintf("2. Start Hotspot");
- gotoxy(8,11);
- cprintf("3. Stop Hotspot");
- gotoxy(8,13);
- cprintf("4. Change Color theme");
- gotoxy(8,15);
- cprintf("5. Help");
- gotoxy(8,17);
- cprintf("6. About");
- gotoxy(8,19);
- cprintf("7. Exit");
- gotoxy(8,23);
- textcolor(24-t);
- return;
- }
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