
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Hotel Management in C Programming

Welcome to Home Land Hotel
Download Here
and the following code :

  1. include

  2. #include

  3. #include

  4. #include

  5. typedef struct {int day;

  6. int month;

  7. int year;

  8. }date;

  9. struct customer{int id;

  10. char name[20];

  11. date da_in;

  12. date da_out;

  13. int n_of_room;

  14. char room;

  15. int price;

  16. }cust[30],temp;

  17. int n,i,j,ID=0; int d,p,e; char a,b,c; int room;

  18. void check_in();

  19. void check_out();

  20. void edit();

  21. void view();

  22. void search();

  23. void draw();

  24. void main()

  25. {

  26. char ch;

  27. while(1)

  28. {clrscr();

  29. textcolor(6); gotoxy(30,2); cprintf("Welcome to Home Land Hotel");textcolor(7);cprintf("");

  30. gotoxy(35,5); printf("Main Menu");

  31. gotoxy(3,9); printf("Please Press Any Keys Below");

  32. gotoxy(8,12); printf("1/ Check In the Customer");

  33. gotoxy(8,14); printf("2/ Check Out the Customer");

  34. gotoxy(8,16); printf("3/ Edit the Customer");

  35. gotoxy(8,18); printf("4/ View List of Customer");

  36. gotoxy(8,20); printf("5/ Search the Customer");

  37. gotoxy(8,22); printf("6/ Exit The Program");

  38. ch=getch();

  39. switch(ch)

  40. {case'1':clrscr(); check_in(); break;

  41. case'2':clrscr(); check_out(); break;

  42. case'3':clrscr(); edit(); break;

  43. case'4':clrscr(); view(); break;

  44. case'5':clrscr(); search(); break;

  45. case'6':clrscr(); exit(1); break;

  46. default:gotoxy(3,27); printf("Error Enter Again!!");getch(); break;

  47. }

  48. }

  49. }



  52. //********The Function of Program Check in********

  53. void check_in()

  54. {

  55. draw();

  56. gotoxy(30,3); printf("Customer %04d",ID+1);

  57. gotoxy(10,6); printf("Name="); fflush(stdin); gets(cust[ID].name);

  58. gotoxy(10,8); printf("Input Date Check In="); scanf("%d%c%d%c%d",&cust[ID],&a,&cust[ID].da_in.month,&b,&cust[ID].da_in.year);

  59. again:

  60. gotoxy(10,10); printf(" ");

  61. gotoxy(10,10);printf("Room Number="); scanf("%d",&cust[ID].n_of_room);

  62. if( cust[ID].n_of_room109 && cust[ID].n_of_room209 && cust[ID].n_of_room309)

  63. { gotoxy(10,10); printf("NO that Room!!!");

  64. getch(); goto again;}

  65. for(i=0;i<ID;i++)

  66. {if(cust[i].n_of_room==cust[ID].n_of_room)

  67. {gotoxy(10,10); printf("Room Number %d Aready Exist",cust[ID].n_of_room);

  68. getch(); goto again;

  69. }

  70. }

  71. again1:

  72. gotoxy(10,12); printf(" ");

  73. gotoxy(10,12); printf("Type of Room="); fflush(stdin); scanf("%c",&cust[ID].room);

  74. if(cust[ID].room!='D' && cust[ID].room!='d' && cust[ID].room!='S' && cust[ID].room!='s')

  75. {gotoxy(10,12); printf("Error type of room must be D or S ");getch();

  76. goto again1;}


  78. cust[ID].id=ID+1;

  79. if(cust[ID].room=='D' || cust[ID].room=='d')

  80. cust[ID].price=20;

  81. if(cust[ID].room=='S' || cust[ID].room=='s')

  82. {cust[ID].price=15;}

  83. cust[ID];

  84. cust[ID].da_out.month=0;

  85. cust[ID].da_out.year=0;

  86. ID++;

  87. }

  88. //******The Function of Program Check out********

  89. void check_out()

  90. {

  91. char ch;

  92. gotoxy(10,3); printf ("For Check_out!!! Input Customer ID=");

  93. scanf("%d",&n);

  94. gotoxy(10,6); printf("customer Name=%s Y/N?",cust[n-1].name);ch=getch(); if (ch=='n' || ch== 'N') goto exit;

  95. gotoxy(10,8); printf("Date Check in=%02d/%02d/%02d",cust[n-1],cust[n-1].da_in.month,cust[n-1].da_in.year);

  96. gotoxy(10,10); printf("Input Date Check Out="); scanf("%d%c%d%c%d",&cust[n-1],&a,&cust[n-1].da_out.month,&b,&cust[n-1].da_out.year);

  97. gotoxy(10,12); printf("Room Type = '%c' so the price per night= %02d.00$",cust[n-1].room,cust[n-1].price);

  98. gotoxy(30,18); printf("Thank You");

  99. d=cust[n-1][n-1];

  100. p=d*cust[n-1].price;

  101. gotoxy(25,20); printf("You have Stay for %d days",d);

  102. gotoxy(30,22); printf("Cost=%d.00$",p); getch();

  103. cust[n-1].room=NULL;

  104. cust[n-1].n_of_room=NULL;

  105. cust[n-1].price=NULL;

  106. exit:


  108. }

  109. //******The Function of Program View********

  110. void view()

  111. {

  112. clrscr();

  113. gotoxy(30,3); printf("List of Customer");

  114. gotoxy(1,7); printf("ID");

  115. gotoxy(8,7); printf("Name");

  116. gotoxy(24,7); printf("Check_in");

  117. gotoxy(39,7); printf("Check_out");

  118. gotoxy(54,7); printf("NO_of_Room");

  119. gotoxy(67,7); printf("room");

  120. gotoxy(74,7); printf("Price");

  121. gotoxy(1,9); printf("==============================================================================");

  122. for(i=0;i<ID;i++)

  123. {

  124. gotoxy(1,11+(i*2)); printf("%03d",cust[i].id);

  125. gotoxy(8,11+(i*2)); printf("%s",cust[i].name);

  126. gotoxy(23,11+(i*2)); printf("%02d/%02d/%04d",cust[i],cust[i].da_in.month,cust[i].da_in.year);

  127. gotoxy(38,11+(i*2)); printf("%02d/%02d/%04d",cust[i],cust[i].da_out.month,cust[i].da_out.year);

  128. gotoxy(57,11+(i*2)); printf("%d",cust[i].n_of_room);

  129. gotoxy(69,11+(i*2)); printf("%c",cust[i].room);

  130. gotoxy(73,11+(i*2)); printf("%d.00$",cust[i].price);

  131. }

  132. gotoxy(1,11+(i*2)); printf("==============================================================================");

  133. getch();

  134. }


  136. //******The Function of Program Edit ********

  137. void edit()

  138. {

  139. gotoxy(20,5); printf("For Editing!!! Input Customer ID="); scanf("%d",&e); clrscr();

  140. draw();

  141. gotoxy(30,3); printf("Customer %04d",e);

  142. gotoxy(10,6); printf("Name=%s -> ",cust[e-1].name); fflush(stdin); gets(cust[e-1].name);

  143. gotoxy(10,8); printf("Input Date Check In=%d/%d/%d -> ",cust[e-1],cust[e-1].da_in.month,cust[e-1].da_in.year);

  144. scanf("%d%c%d%c%d",&cust[e-1],&a,&cust[e-1].da_in.month,&b,&cust[e-1].da_in.year);

  145. again:

  146. gotoxy(10,10); printf(" ");

  147. gotoxy(10,10);printf("Room Number=%d -> ",cust[e-1].n_of_room); scanf("%d",&room);

  148. if( room109 && room209 && room309)

  149. { gotoxy(10,10); printf("NO that Room!!!");

  150. getch(); goto again; }

  151. for(i=0;i<ID;i++)

  152. {if(cust[i].n_of_room==room && room!=cust[e-1].n_of_room)

  153. {gotoxy(10,10); printf("Room Number %d Aready Exist",room);

  154. getch(); goto again;

  155. }

  156. }

  157. again1:

  158. gotoxy(10,12); printf(" ");

  159. gotoxy(10,12); printf("Type of Room=%c -> ",cust[e-1].room); fflush(stdin); scanf("%c",&cust[e-1].room);

  160. if(cust[e-1].room!='D' && cust[e-1].room!='d' && cust[e-1].room!='S' && cust[e-1].room!='s')

  161. {gotoxy(10,12); printf("Error type of room must be D or S ");getch();

  162. goto again1;}


  164. cust[e-1].id=e;

  165. if(cust[e-1].room=='D' || cust[e-1].room=='d')

  166. cust[e-1].price=20;

  167. if(cust[e-1].room=='S' || cust[e-1].room=='s')

  168. {cust[e-1].price=15;}

  169. cust[e-1].n_of_room=room;

  170. cust[e-1];

  171. cust[e-1].da_out.month=0;

  172. cust[e-1].da_out.year=0;


  174. }


  176. //******The Function of Program Draw table ********

  177. void draw()

  178. {



  181. gotoxy(8,28);printf("º º º º º º º º º º");

  182. gotoxy(8,29);printf("º º º º º º º º º º <- floor="" span="" third="">);

  183. gotoxy(8,30);printf("º º º º º º º º º º");


  185. gotoxy(8,32);printf("º º º º º º º º º º");

  186. gotoxy(8,33);printf("º º º º º º º º º º <- floor="" second="" span="">);

  187. gotoxy(8,34);printf("º º º º º º º º º º");


  189. gotoxy(8,36);printf("º º º º º º º º º º");

  190. gotoxy(8,37);printf("º º º º º º º º º º <- first="" floor="" span="">);

  191. gotoxy(8,38);printf("º º º º º º º º º º");


  193. for(i=0;i<9;i++)

  194. {

  195. gotoxy(10+(6*i),29);

  196. for(j=0;j<ID;j++)

  197. {

  198. if(cust[j].n_of_room==301+i)

  199. {

  200. textcolor(RED);

  201. }

  202. }

  203. cprintf("%d",301+i); textcolor(WHITE);

  204. gotoxy(10+(6*i),33);

  205. for(j=0;j<ID;j++)

  206. {

  207. if(cust[j].n_of_room==201+i)

  208. {

  209. textcolor(RED);

  210. }

  211. }

  212. cprintf("%d",201+i); textcolor(WHITE);

  213. gotoxy(10+(6*i),37);

  214. for(j=0;j<ID;j++)

  215. {

  216. if(cust[j].n_of_room==101+i)

  217. {

  218. textcolor(RED);

  219. }

  220. }

  221. cprintf("%d",101+i); textcolor(WHITE);

  222. }

  223. }

  224. //******The Function of Program Search ********

  225. void search()

  226. {

  227. again:

  228. clrscr();

  229. int f=0; int d,m,y; char sn[20]; int si, room;

  230. gotoxy(30,3); printf("Search List of Customer");

  231. gotoxy(3,10); printf(">>Please Press Any Keys Below");

  232. gotoxy(8,12); printf("1/Search by ID");

  233. gotoxy(8,14); printf("2/Search by Date(Check In)");

  234. gotoxy(8,16); printf("3/Search by Date(Chck Out)");

  235. gotoxy(8,18); printf("4/Search by Name of Customer");

  236. gotoxy(8,20); printf("5/Search by No_of_Room");

  237. char ch1; ch1=getch(); clrscr();


  239. switch(ch1)

  240. {

  241. case'1':gotoxy(5,3);

  242. printf("For Searching!!! Enter Customer ID="); scanf("%d",&si);

  243. j=0;

  244. clrscr();

  245. for(i=0;i<ID;i++)

  246. {if(cust[i].id==si)

  247. {

  248. f=1;

  249. gotoxy(1,11+(j*2));

  250. gotoxy(1,11+(j*2)); printf("%03d",cust[i].id);

  251. gotoxy(8,11+(j*2)); printf("%s",cust[i].name);

  252. gotoxy(23,11+(j*2)); printf("%02d/%02d/%04d",cust[i],cust[i].da_in.month,cust[i].da_in.year);

  253. gotoxy(38,11+(j*2)); printf("%02d/%02d/%04d",cust[i],cust[i].da_out.month,cust[i].da_out.year);

  254. gotoxy(57,11+(j*2)); printf("%d",cust[i].n_of_room);

  255. gotoxy(69,11+(j*2)); printf("%c",cust[i].room);

  256. gotoxy(73,11+(j*2)); printf("%d.00$",cust[i].price);

  257. j++;

  258. }

  259. }

  260. gotoxy(1,11+(j*2)); printf("==============================================================================");

  261. break;

  262. case'2':gotoxy(5,3);

  263. printf("For Searching!!! Enter Customer Date Check In=");

  264. scanf("%d%c%d%c%d",&d,&a,&m,&b,&y);

  265. j=0;

  266. clrscr();

  267. for(i=0;i<ID;i++)

  268. {if(cust[i] && cust[i].da_in.month==m && cust[i].da_in.year==y)

  269. {

  270. f=1;

  271. gotoxy(1,11+(j*2));

  272. gotoxy(1,11+(j*2)); printf("%03d",cust[i].id);

  273. gotoxy(8,11+(j*2)); printf("%s",cust[i].name);

  274. gotoxy(23,11+(j*2)); printf("%02d/%02d/%04d",cust[i],cust[i].da_in.month,cust[i].da_in.year);

  275. gotoxy(38,11+(j*2)); printf("%02d/%02d/%04d",cust[i],cust[i].da_out.month,cust[i].da_out.year);

  276. gotoxy(57,11+(j*2)); printf("%d",cust[i].n_of_room);

  277. gotoxy(69,11+(j*2)); printf("%c",cust[i].room);

  278. gotoxy(73,11+(j*2)); printf("%d.00$",cust[i].price);

  279. j++;

  280. }

  281. }

  282. gotoxy(1,11+(j*2)); printf("==============================================================================");

  283. break;

  284. case'3':gotoxy(5,3);

  285. printf("For Searching!!! Enter Customer Date Check Out=");

  286. scanf("%d%c%d%c%d",&d,&a,&m,&b,&y);

  287. j=0;

  288. clrscr();

  289. for(i=0;i<ID;i++)

  290. {if(cust[i] && cust[i].da_out.month==m && cust[i].da_out.year==y)

  291. {

  292. f=1;

  293. gotoxy(1,11+(j*2));

  294. gotoxy(1,11+(j*2)); printf("%03d",cust[i].id);

  295. gotoxy(8,11+(j*2)); printf("%s",cust[i].name);

  296. gotoxy(23,11+(j*2)); printf("%02d/%02d/%04d",cust[i],cust[i].da_in.month,cust[i].da_in.year);

  297. gotoxy(38,11+(j*2)); printf("%02d/%02d/%04d",cust[i],cust[i].da_out.month,cust[i].da_out.year);

  298. gotoxy(57,11+(j*2)); printf("%d",cust[i].n_of_room);

  299. gotoxy(69,11+(j*2)); printf("%c",cust[i].room);

  300. gotoxy(73,11+(j*2)); printf("%d.00$",cust[i].price);

  301. j++;

  302. }

  303. }

  304. gotoxy(1,11+(j*2)); printf("==============================================================================");

  305. break;

  306. case'4':gotoxy(5,3);

  307. printf("For Searching!!! Enter Customer Name=");

  308. fflush(stdin); gets(sn);

  309. j=0;

  310. clrscr();

  311. for(i=0;i<ID;i++)

  312. {if(strcmp(cust[i].name,sn)==0)

  313. {

  314. f=1;

  315. gotoxy(1,11+(j*2));

  316. gotoxy(1,11+(j*2)); printf("%03d",cust[i].id);

  317. gotoxy(8,11+(j*2)); printf("%s",cust[i].name);

  318. gotoxy(23,11+(j*2)); printf("%02d/%02d/%04d",cust[i],cust[i].da_in.month,cust[i].da_in.year);

  319. gotoxy(38,11+(j*2)); printf("%02d/%02d/%04d",cust[i],cust[i].da_out.month,cust[i].da_out.year);

  320. gotoxy(57,11+(j*2)); printf("%d",cust[i].n_of_room);

  321. gotoxy(69,11+(j*2)); printf("%c",cust[i].room);

  322. gotoxy(73,11+(j*2)); printf("%d.00$",cust[i].price);

  323. j++;

  324. }

  325. }

  326. gotoxy(1,11+(j*2)); printf("==============================================================================");

  327. break;

  328. case'5':gotoxy(5,3);

  329. printf("For Searching!!! Enter Room Number="); scanf("%d",&room);

  330. j=0;

  331. clrscr();

  332. for(i=0;i<ID;i++)

  333. {if(cust[i].n_of_room==room)

  334. {

  335. f=1;

  336. gotoxy(1,11+(j*2));

  337. gotoxy(1,11+(j*2)); printf("%03d",cust[i].id);

  338. gotoxy(8,11+(j*2)); printf("%s",cust[i].name);

  339. gotoxy(23,11+(j*2)); printf("%02d/%02d/%04d",cust[i],cust[i].da_in.month,cust[i].da_in.year);

  340. gotoxy(38,11+(j*2)); printf("%02d/%02d/%04d",cust[i],cust[i].da_out.month,cust[i].da_out.year);

  341. gotoxy(57,11+(j*2)); printf("%d",cust[i].n_of_room);

  342. gotoxy(69,11+(j*2)); printf("%c",cust[i].room);

  343. gotoxy(73,11+(j*2)); printf("%d.00$",cust[i].price);

  344. j++;

  345. }

  346. }

  347. gotoxy(1,11+(j*2)); printf("==============================================================================");

  348. break;

  349. default: gotoxy(3,27); printf("Error Enter Again!!");getch(); goto again;

  350. }

  351. if(f==0) {clrscr(); gotoxy(20,20); printf("Can not Find!!!");

  352. getch(); goto again;}

  353. gotoxy(30,3); printf("List of Customer");

  354. gotoxy(1,7); printf("ID");

  355. gotoxy(8,7); printf("Name");

  356. gotoxy(24,7); printf("Check_in");

  357. gotoxy(39,7); printf("Check_out");

  358. gotoxy(54,7); printf("NO_of_Room");

  359. gotoxy(67,7); printf("room");

  360. gotoxy(74,7); printf("Price");

  361. gotoxy(1,9); printf("==============================================================================");

  362. gotoxy(80,50);getch();

  363. }

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