Royal University of Phnom Penh
Computer Science Campus
College of Computer Management and Information Technology
Computer Science Campus
College of Computer Management and Information Technology
A Partial Fulfillment of the Subject C Programming
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This is the source codes of Restaurant Management in C Programming :
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This is the source codes of Restaurant Management in C Programming :
- #include
- #include
- #include
- #include
- #include
- #include
- #include
- #include
- struct menurec{ char number[30];
- char name[30];
- float price;
- int customer;
- }menu;
- struct orderbill{ char bid[30];
- char bnumber[30];
- char bname[30];
- float bprice;
- float btotal;} ord[30];
- void printxy(int x,int y,char string[])
- {gotoxy(x,y); printf("%s",string);}
- void center(int y,char string[])
- {int x=(80-strlen(string)+1)/2;
- gotoxy(x,y);printf("%s",string);}
- void twolinebox(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2)
- {int x,y;
- gotoxy(x1,y1); printf("É"); //alt-201
- gotoxy(x2,y1); printf("»"); //alt-187
- for(y=y1+1;y<y2;y++){
- gotoxy(x1,y); printf("º"); //alt-186
- gotoxy(x2,y); printf("º"); //alt-186
- }
- gotoxy(x1,y2); printf("È"); //alt-200
- gotoxy(x2,y2); printf("¼"); //alt-188
- for(x=x1+1;x<x2;x++){
- gotoxy(x,y1); printf("Í"); //alt-205
- gotoxy(x,y2); printf("Í"); //alt-205
- }
- gotoxy(x1+1,y1+1);
- }
- void createmenu(void)
- { FILE *fp;
- char opt;
- center(21,"WARNING!!!");
- center(22,"You are about to create a new Menu Record");
- center(23,"This will erase all records in the Record...");
- center(24,"Are you sure you want to proceed?[Y/N] ");
- opt=getche(); opt=toupper(opt);
- if(opt=='Y'){
- fp=fopen("Group3.txt","w");
- center(24," ");
- center(24,"File successfully created!");
- }
- getch();
- fclose(fp);
- }
- void addmenu(void)
- { char opt; int i,n;FILE *fp;
- fp=fopen("Group3.txt","a");
- // clrscr();
- // printf("How many foods or drinks you want to add?"); scanf("%d",&n);
- clrscr();
- twolinebox(2,6,79,20);
- twolinebox(2,20,79,24);
- twolinebox(2,2,79,24);
- center(4,"ADD MENU RECORD");
- printxy(6,8,"Number: "); gotoxy(19,8); fflush(stdin);gets(menu.number);
- printxy(6,10,"Name: ");gotoxy(19,10); fflush(stdin);gets(;
- printxy(6,12, "Price: "); gotoxy(19,12);fflush(stdin); scanf("%f",&menu.price);
- gotoxy(5,22); clreol(); printxy(79,22,"º");
- fprintf(fp," %s %s %f ",menu.number,,menu.price);
- gotoxy(5,21); clreol(); center(21,"Record successfully added!");
- printxy(79,21,"º"); gotoxy(53,22); delay(1000);
- center(22,"Press Esc to go to main menu..."); getch();
- fclose(fp);
- }
- void listmenu(void)
- {int count=0,i,x=0,page=1;
- FILE *fp;
- fp=fopen("Group3.txt","r");
- clrscr();
- center(2,"Kingdom of Wander, Cambodia");
- center(3,"Ly Meng Restaurant");
- center(5,"The most popular Restaurant in the World");
- printxy(10,7,"Number Name Price");
- for(i=1;i<80;i++){ gotoxy(i,8); puts("Í"); /*Alt-205*/ }
- i=0;
- while(fscanf(fp," %s %s %f ",&menu.number,&,&menu.price)!=EOF)
- {
- if(count!=0&&count%5==0){ printxy(5,23,"Press any key to continue..."); getch(); x=0;
- for(i=10;i<=24;i++){gotoxy(1,i); clreol();}
- page++;
- }
- gotoxy(70,4); printf("Page %d",page);
- gotoxy(19,10+x); printf("%s",menu.number);
- gotoxy(37,10+x); printf("%s",;
- gotoxy(62,10+x); printf("%f",menu.price);
- x++;
- count++;
- }
- printxy(5,23,"Press any key to go to main menu...");
- getch();
- fclose(fp);
- }
- void addorder(void){
- int i=0,n,count=1;
- ord[i].btotal=0; FILE *fp1; FILE *co;
- fp1=fopen("Group3order.txt","w");
- if(fp1==NULL)
- { puts("Can't Open File");
- getch();
- exit(1);
- }
- printf("Please Remember Your Number of food or drink choice to put in the order!");
- listmenu(); delay(1000);
- printf("Now press any key to enter your choice!");
- char opt1=getch();clrscr();
- printf("Customers Number %d",i+1);
- printf("\nHow Many Items You want to order?"); scanf("%d",&n);
- clrscr();
- twolinebox(2,6,79,20);
- twolinebox(2,20,79,24);
- twolinebox(2,2,79,24);
- center(4,"ADD ORDER");
- gotoxy(6,8);printf("Customer Number %d",count); count++;
- for(i=0;i<n;i++){
- printxy(6,i+9,"Number= ");gotoxy(i+18,i+15);fflush(stdin); gets(ord[i].bnumber);
- printxy(6,i+10,"Price= "); gotoxy(i+18,i+16); fflush(stdin);scanf("%f",&ord[i].bprice); }
- for(i=0;i<n;i++)
- ord[i].btotal=ord[i].btotal+ord[i].bprice;
- gotoxy(6,i+3);printf("Total: %f",ord[i].btotal);
- gotoxy(5,22); clreol(); printxy(79,22,"º");
- fprintf(fp1," %s %f %f ",ord[i].bnumber,ord[i].bprice,ord[i].btotal);
- gotoxy(5,21); clreol(); center(21,"Order successfully added!");
- printxy(79,21,"º"); gotoxy(53,22); delay(1000);
- for(i=0;i<n;i++)
- fprintf(fp1," %s %s %f %f ",ord[i].bnumber,ord[i].bname,ord[i].bprice,ord[i].btotal);
- fclose(fp1); co=fopen("Count.txt","w");
- fprintf(co," %d ",count); fclose(co);
- center(22,"Press Esc to go to main menu..."); getch();
- }
- void listorder(void){
- int count=0,i,x=0,page=1;
- FILE *fp;
- fp=fopen("Group3.txt","r");
- clrscr();
- center(2,"Kingdom of Wander, Cambodia");
- center(3,"Ly Meng Restaurant");
- center(5,"Reciept");
- printxy(10,7,"Number Name Price");
- for(i=1;i<80;i++){ gotoxy(i,8); puts("Í"); /*Alt-205*/ }
- i=0;
- while(fscanf(fp," %s %s %f %f ",&ord[i].bnumber,&ord[i].bname,&ord[i].bprice,&ord[i].btotal)!=EOF)
- {
- if(count!=0&&count%5==0){ printxy(5,23,"Press any key to continue..."); getch(); x=0;
- for(i=10;i<=24;i++){gotoxy(1,i); clreol();}
- page++;
- }
- gotoxy(70,4); printf("Page %d",page);
- gotoxy(13,10+x); printf("%d",count+1);
- gotoxy(19,10+x); printf("%s",ord[i].bnumber);
- gotoxy(37,10+x); printf("%s",ord[i].bname);
- gotoxy(62,10+x); printf("%f",ord[i].bprice);
- x++;
- count++;
- }
- printxy(5,23,"Press any key to go to main menu...");
- getch();
- fclose(fp);
- }
- void sale(void){
- int count=0,i,x=0,page=1;
- FILE *fp1;
- fp1=fopen("Group3order.txt","r");
- clrscr();
- center(2,"Kingdom of Wander, Cambodia");
- center(3,"Ly Meng Restaurant");
- center(5,"Reciept");
- printxy(10,7,"Number Name Price");
- for(i=1;i<80;i++){ gotoxy(i,8); puts("Í"); }
- i=0;
- while(fscanf(fp1," %s %s %f %f ",ord[i].bnumber,ord[i].bname,&ord[i].bprice,&ord[i].btotal)!=EOF)
- {
- if(count!=0&&count%5==0){ printxy(5,23,"Press any key to continue..."); getch(); x=0;
- for(i=10;i<=24;i++){gotoxy(1,i); clreol();}
- page++;
- }
- gotoxy(70,4); printf("Page %d",page);
- gotoxy(13,10+x); printf("%d",count+1);
- gotoxy(19,10+x); printf("%s",ord[i].bnumber);
- gotoxy(37,10+x); printf("%s",ord[i].bname);
- gotoxy(62,10+x); printf("%f",ord[i].bprice);
- x++;
- count++;
- }
- printxy(5,23,"Press any key to go to main menu...");
- getch();
- fclose(fp1);
- }
- void Quit(void)
- {clrscr();
- twolinebox(2,2,79,24);
- center(8,"PROGRAMMED");
- center(9,"BY");
- center(11,"Group 3");
- center(13,"Ly Meng, Nheb Chhat Chhaya");
- center(14,"Oum Serey Chan, Pann Malinet");
- center(15,"Oeng Kean Hourt, Meng Sophea");
- center(16,"On Chetra, Oum Makara");
- delay(5000);
- exit(1);
- }
- void Err_mess(void){
- sound(1000);
- center(22,"Invalid Input!");
- delay(1000);
- nosound();
- }
- void main()
- {char choice;
- do{
- clrscr();
- twolinebox(2,20,79,25);
- twolinebox(2,2,79,25);
- center(4,"MAIN MENU");
- printxy(30,6,"Press:");
- printxy(30,8,"[1]-Create Menu");
- printxy(30,9,"[2]-Add Menu");
- printxy(30,10,"[3]-List Menu");
- printxy(30,11,"[4]-Add Order");
- printxy(30,12,"[5]-List Order");
- printxy(30,13,"[6]-Sale");
- printxy(30,14,"[7]-Exit");
- printxy(30,15,"Enter your choice..."); gotoxy(50,13);
- choice=getch(); choice=toupper(choice);
- switch(choice){
- case '1': createmenu(); break;
- case '2': addmenu(); break;
- case '3': listmenu(); break;
- case '4': addorder(); break;
- case '5': listorder(); break;
- case '6': sale(); break;
- case '7': Quit(); break;
- default: Err_mess(); break;
- }
- }while(choice!='7');
- }
- //Leave us a command and share it to your friends ..!
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